Purple Confidence Toolkit - A Pilot supported by Microlink

Thriving / Toolkit

Portrait of woman in a meeting

Throughout 2019 PurpleSpace will be sharing a number of thought pieces, tools and techniques to help our members to support the needs of individuals to develop inner confidence.  Our pilot toolkit focuses on the individual, not the organisation.  It’s about supporting people on their journey towards disability confidence.  Once individuals are more confident about their disability or their health condition, this in turn, will help organisations become disability confident and bring about the culture change that is needed.As we start this pilot the first step will be to socialise the concept with our members.   We see this first phase as a sense check of the initial tools we have created.  It’s essential for us to make sure they are as fit for purpose as they can possibly be, rather than tools created in isolation without input from the people they will make a difference to.
At the core of our work is the creation of a new Purple Confidence Model a personal tool by which individuals

All resources are free to our members.

If you are not a member but would like to know more, please email us at info@purplespace.org.

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Thriving / Toolkit

In nations across the world, there are many versions of the expression ‘nothing about us, without us.’ It is a powerful expression used to convey the commonplace practice of excluding disabled people from the conversations that impact us the most such as healthcare, social care support, transport design, information technology design, in politics, and often in employment practice.

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