Networks/ERGs and D&I Teams Being in Flow: The Magic Trio

Starting Out / Briefing Paper

Group of senior champions

In the current business climate, networks or employee resource groups (ERG) need every ounce of support they can get to help organisations understand the value of learning directly from their own disabled employees.  Collaboration is essential. Networks and ERGs can be amazing agents of change, helping embed diversity and inclusion into the culture of an organisation.  But how do you get your stakeholders – especially your Magic Trio – working collaboratively?  Who are your Magic Trio? And, what does this relationship look like through the lens of each stakeholder?In this briefing paper, we will help you understand more about your key stakeholder relationships – your Magic Trio; what “Being in Flow” means; what good looks like and give you ideas of how to “muscle in” when your Magic Trio isn’t working properly.  We will also break down the relationship from the perspective of each stakeholder and give our top tips for success.
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